Turboinštitut is one of the leading independent institutes in the field of hydropower and water treatment in the world, with over 50 years of experience. The Turbo Institute is a unique, user-oriented institute for hydraulic machines, with equipment, knowledge and experience that enable model development, design, production and testing in accordance with the IEC 60193 standard.
In the field of centrifugal pumps and pumping systems, Turboinštitut can offer the highest quality services related to the production of centrifugal pumps, production of rotors and other hydraulic parts of pumps, welded and cast designs, testing of pumps and systems in the field, reconstruction and optimization of pumps and pumping plants, independent testing of pumps when taking over in the field or in the laboratory, consultations and solving problems related to pumps and pumping systems, educational courses in the field of centrifugal pumps, calibration of flow meters of larger dimensions in the laboratory and in the field.

Kolektor Turboinštitut d.o.o.
Rovsnikova 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: +386 (0)1 582 01 00